Friday, February 23, 2007

Free ringtone scams : And the scammers that rip teenagers off.

Try searching google, yahoo or msn for free ringtones and you will see umpteen ads being displayed for websites that are offering free ringtones for you to download.

Now you have to give your phone number and most probably click on the "I agree" to the terms and conditions box, and most often than not people cannot care less of the small fine print they have on the "Terms and Conditions" page. Upon submission you will be taken to the next page where they will send a PIN number to your phone and ask you to verify. Once you recieve the number and verify the PIN, they will send you a free ringtone, but subscribe you to a service that costs anywhere from $9.95 to $15.95 per month.

A not so nice way to get ripped and a clever scam. The victims are mostly teenagers so in the end it's their parents who in end have to foot the bill.

There are many companies that are doing this sort of scam or fraud if you call it that. There is more novel twist to this.

Apparently, if you call in to "American Idol" and some other shows too, this kind of un called for "subscription" offer also tags along, and you won't know untill the bill comes home.

There is not much you can do about it, except complaining to your phone company and asking them to block the number which shows up in your bill against the "subscription" charge.

Sometime you can pressurise your phone company to waive off the subscription charge by telling them you didnot subscribe to it willingly in the first place, and the so called subscription offered tagged along, in some sneaky way, you were not aware off.

It may help or it may not depending upon your phone company or the customer service rep you talk to.

I am trying to find ways of stopping this sort of scammy-subscription offers. As soon a I find something I will write it in here.

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